
Data Processing Addendums [DPA’s]: [the GDPR Series (15)]

Third party compliance is a critical element for an organisation to be completely GDPR compliant Data Processing Addendums (DPA) is necessary to ensure compliance throughout

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How Can I Add Value? (Customer Contact Centers): [the GDPR Series (14)]

Summary: A focus on customer contact centers and GDPR can allow businesses to build strong bonds of trust and drive incremental revenue streams and ultimately

72 Hours

The 3 Day Rule [Article 33]: [the GDPR Series (13)]

Summary: The 72-hour breach reporting requirement will require coordination between people, process & technology for success in the EU and abroad. Article 33 of the


Data Shred Ahead of May 25th: [the GDPR Series (12)]

Summary: Data shredding should be one of the key components of an organisation’s plan for remaining GDPR compliant. Companies looking to skip GDPR compliance can


Watch out for the Opt Out: [the GDPR Series (11)]

Summary: The transition from “opt-out” to “opt-in” consent will affect the close and delight states of the marketing lifecycle. GDPR’s “opt-in” clause to hit marketing


Don’t Forget about Privacy Policies: [the GDPR Series (10)]

Summary: Privacy policies will become more simplified and transparent as organizations comply with the GDPR Articles 12, 13 & 14. Compliance with GDPR should start

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